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Copilot Studio - General

Problem with 'Start Over' Topic

Posted on by 50

I seem to have a problem with the 'Start Over' topic. It works in the 'Test bot' but not in Microsoft Teams.


I have logged the error data via Bot Framework Composer as below:

{ "CoreFramework.IsExceptionTracedKey": null, "IsPVAException": true, "DialogContext": { "ActiveDialog": "PowerVirtualAgentRoot", "Parent": null, "Stack": [ "PowerVirtualAgentRoot" ], "State": { "turn": { "locale": "en-US", "activity": { "type": "message", "id": "1674034761156", "timestamp": "2023-01-18T09:39:21.1920033+00:00", "localTimestamp": "2023-01-18T17:39:21.1920033+08:00", "localTimezone": "Asia/Singapore", "serviceUrl": "", "channelId": "msteams", "from": { "id": "29:1kY-eMeiwSi8dXVkK7L9CWVqTP0ZEZrbYj544LxEghlzVvOn9ZztGBHyw3lQvVzpYCR29oSAKxg1IDh84A_OhDg", "name": "Sarah Azzizi", "aadObjectId": "c57a59ec-9520-44b8-a7c5-b046b91a1f28", "role": null }, "conversation": { "isGroup": null, "conversationType": "personal", "id": "a:1lp6ueXT_Q1N4g8TTM4DjuJbNZqnhmT4BkBBZZZz_ya-TRe9KXUTd0O00_dgLBo5Wh4B7H3dJtIPDwwRDATYhOvVCVVXWbMrkDxIieD7liIo0y57-K90wGOOitzok2h0B", "name": null, "aadObjectId": null, "role": null, "tenantId": "3b2e8941-7948-4131-978a-b2dfc7295091" }, "recipient": { "id": "28:028a5680-4171-4ab7-b8e2-ff8980756bf8", "name": "RIMVA", "aadObjectId": null, "role": "bot" }, "textFormat": "plain", "attachmentLayout": null, "membersAdded": null, "membersRemoved": null, "reactionsAdded": null, "reactionsRemoved": null, "topicName": null, "historyDisclosed": null, "locale": "en-US", "text": "Start Over", "speak": null, "inputHint": null, "summary": null, "suggestedActions": null, "attachments": [ { "contentType": "text/html", "contentUrl": null, "content": "

Start Over

", "name": null, "thumbnailUrl": null } ], "entities": [ { "type": "clientInfo", "locale": "en-US", "country": "US", "platform": "Windows", "timezone": "Asia/Singapore" } ], "channelData": { "tenant": { "id": "3b2e8941-7948-4131-978a-b2dfc7295091" } }, "action": null, "replyToId": null, "label": null, "valueType": null, "value": null, "name": null, "relatesTo": null, "code": null, "expiration": null, "importance": null, "deliveryMode": null, "listenFor": null, "textHighlights": null, "semanticAction": null, "callerId": "urn:botframework:azure" }, "dialogEvent": { "Bubble": false, "Name": "recognizeUtterance", "Value": { "type": "message", "id": "1674034761156", "timestamp": "2023-01-18T09:39:21.1920033+00:00", "localTimestamp": "2023-01-18T17:39:21.1920033+08:00", "localTimezone": "Asia/Singapore", "serviceUrl": "", "channelId": "msteams", "from": { "id": "29:1kY-eMeiwSi8dXVkK7L9CWVqTP0ZEZrbYj544LxEghlzVvOn9ZztGBHyw3lQvVzpYCR29oSAKxg1IDh84A_OhDg", "name": "Sarah Azzizi", "aadObjectId": "c57a59ec-9520-44b8-a7c5-b046b91a1f28", "role": null }, "conversation": { "isGroup": null, "conversationType": "personal", "id": "a:1lp6ueXT_Q1N4g8TTM4DjuJbNZqnhmT4BkBBZZZz_ya-TRe9KXUTd0O00_dgLBo5Wh4B7H3dJtIPDwwRDATYhOvVCVVXWbMrkDxIieD7liIo0y57-K90wGOOitzok2h0B", "name": null, "aadObjectId": null, "role": null, "tenantId": "3b2e8941-7948-4131-978a-b2dfc7295091" }, "recipient": { "id": "28:028a5680-4171-4ab7-b8e2-ff8980756bf8", "name": "RIMVA", "aadObjectId": null, "role": "bot" }, "textFormat": "plain", "attachmentLayout": null, "membersAdded": null, "membersRemoved": null, "reactionsAdded": null, "reactionsRemoved": null, "topicName": null, "historyDisclosed": null, "locale": "en-US", "text": "Start Over", "speak": null, "inputHint": null, "summary": null, "suggestedActions": null, "attachments": [ { "contentType": "text/html", "contentUrl": null, "content": "

Start Over

", "name": null, "thumbnailUrl": null } ], "entities": [ { "type": "clientInfo", "locale": "en-US", "country": "US", "platform": "Windows", "timezone": "Asia/Singapore" } ], "channelData": { "tenant": { "id": "3b2e8941-7948-4131-978a-b2dfc7295091" } }, "action": null, "replyToId": null, "label": null, "valueType": null, "value": null, "name": null, "relatesTo": null, "code": null, "expiration": null, "importance": null, "deliveryMode": null, "listenFor": null, "textHighlights": null, "semanticAction": null, "callerId": "urn:botframework:azure" } } }, "dialog": { "eventCounter": 3, "_adaptive": { "actions": [] } }, "this": { "eventCounter": 3, "_adaptive": { "actions": [] } }, "conversation": { "_lastAccess": "2023-01-18T09:39:21.4515734Z", "DialogState": { "dialogStack": [ { "id": "PowerVirtualAgentRoot", "state": { "eventCounter": 3, "_adaptive": { "actions": [] } }, "StackIndex": null, "Version": "Dw7en+6ACqnFKZVUk5BKNmObzKsiaZUJ93Zj9XVHf7s=" } ] } }, "user": {}, "virtualagentcontext": { "isDesignMode": false }, "virtualagent": {} } } }


  • LeongQJ Profile Picture
    LeongQJ 50 on at
    Re: Problem with 'Start Over' Topic

    Alright, I have done so. Thank you!

  • HenryJammes Profile Picture
    HenryJammes on at
    Re: Problem with 'Start Over' Topic

    The Start Over topic works for me when deploying bots to Teams.
    Can I ask that you raise this issue to Microsoft Support teams?

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