Hi folks
Here's the scenario:
I'm in the process of automating onboarding of new staff (and learning much as I go).
- A csv comes via email from HR team with name/job title/start date etc of new staff members.
- My flow extracts the data from the csv and puts it into an array

- Within an 'Apply to Each', an approval is started for each of the new starters. One of my team casts their eye over it to make sure no typo's or errors anywhere.
- If approved, a new item is added to a SharePoint List, showing name (Test One)/start date etc.

- If Rejected, I'm creating a HTML table to hold the name (Test One from screenshot above highlighted yellow) of the staff member.
- This table is then sent via email to my team and HR to advise there's something wrong with this particular staff members details.
The part I'm stuck on - I can't get the name out of the array to put into the HTML table.
I tried doing the same as I did for adding the values to the SharePoint List (which works fine), but when I try this in the HTML table (or even directly into an email) I get an error that it's expecting a string, not an object.
Anyone know how I get just the name (Test One from the screenshot above highlighted yellow) into my table?
Thanks in advance