Hello there.
I'm actually working with 2 lists that I have the need to sync. Let's call TAB1 the original data and TAB2 the copy. I use a column called "SyncID" to refer to TAB1 in TAB2.
I figured out how to sync the creation and the edit of a row, now what it's missing is when I delete a row in TAB1, the flow should delete it in TAB2 too.
Take for istance these examples:
TAB1 |
ID |
20 |
30 |
40 |
TAB2 | |
ID | SyncID |
1 | 20 |
2 | 30 |
3 | 40 |
The problem is that the sharepoint flow that I use to delet an item wants the ID of that item. Nothing strange here. How can I tell to the flow that the ID is equal to the result of a VLOOKUP function comparing the SyncID of the TAB2 with the ID of the TAB1?
Considering Tab1 and Tab2 are SharePoint lists, you can use when an item is deleted trigger to get the record details.
Once you do that you can add another action to find the item whose sync id value is equal to the id of the item deleted from the first list.
After that you can add a delete item action and pass the id number from the get items action.
Hope this helps.