Hello! I have 2 forms that are nearly identical, but only one is successfully carrying the dynamic content options over correctly to populate the data in the sharepoint. Please see the pictures. The correct one provides all the options, but the second is not. All privacy settings are and same on both and my experimental features are turned off. Any ideas on why the second form won't pull all the dynamic content?
Thank you! It worked! Glad there are people like you in the world 🙂
The problem is the apply to each which is there because you created the flow from the template which has this incorrect action. It causes various issues and Microsoft have never corrected it. Build the flow from blank and immediately after the the when a new response is submitted trigger have the Get response details. No Apply to each!
Edit: sorry, I've just seen that @Pstork1 had already answered this.
Los Gallardos
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The first of these two flows was probably built off a template and is using an older version of the MS forms trigger. You can tell because it provides an array of form responses and you have to use an Apply to Each to process each form. The second flow is using the current version of the trigger. It fires for each individual form response. So instead of using an Apply to each all you need to use is the Response ID to get the response details. The second trigger is actually the correct one. The first is an older outdated version and should not be used anymore.