Hello all,
I have a SQL flow "When an item is modified (V2)", and I want to receive a message when the column "Quoted" 's value [bit] has been updated to true
then I build the flow as below
the problem is:
no matter which column I update, I will receive the message
such as "update Erp.QuoteHed set CustNum = 10 where quotenum = '100015'"
how to resolve this problem?
Thank you
To resolve the problem, I called the Support DL Microsoft, and they said the requirements are not supported .
so i used another method to resolve the problem:
1.build a triggle in MSSQL:when the quoted has been changed from false to true, add one row of data into a new table
2.build a flow when an item is created v2 to monitor the table
Hi @TommyDeng
The "Select Query" is not a valid query. Can you please check what is the query you need "select Quoted from Erp.QuoteHed where ...." for example.
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