I wan't to get XML Data from web site for my Power BI Dashboard. How to http request web sites in Microsoft Flow? I read some ideas, but ı didn't understand it.
Thank you
Hi all, please have a look at this blog post on automating exchage rate uploading:
Hi Bahar,
I think you're looking for the HTTP Action. I just created a flow that gets the exchange rate and passing the body to a push notification:
Hope that helps!
Hi Bahardurmus,
Thanks for your reply. I am confirming from side about how to do “HTTP request XML web site” everyday.
There would be some delay for the updates, thanks for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao
hi @v-yamao-msft - Mabel Mao,
Thank you,
I Tried your second advice, it worked, but I should request every day automatically, so When I add "recurrence" before "request", request fields change to response.
How to do "http request XML web site" everyday? What steps do I follow? 😞
Best Regards,
Hi Bahardurmus,
About how to use HTTP action in Microsoft flow, I have seen two documents, hope these two documents can be a reference for you:
1. Using the HTTP action to make requests with Microsoft Flow
2. Triggering a Microsoft Flow from an HTTP Post
Best regards,
Mabel Mao