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Power Automate - General Discussion

Delay completion of dynamic varibles and fuctions to pass to a child flow

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I am trying to build a child flow to update SharePoint lists using HTTP.  To do so I need to pass a JSON like the following to the child flow.  :


 "__metadata": @{json(concat('{"type":"SP.Data.', replace(replace(outputs('SettingsCDRAccounts')['listName'], ' ', '_x0020_'),'-',''), 'ListItem"}'))},
 "ID": @{xpath(xml(outputs('XMLSPArray-CDR-Accounts')),concat('string(//Array[Title/text()="', item()['Id'],'"]/ID/text())'))},
 "Title": @{item()?['Id']},
 "LastModifiedDate": @{item()?['LastModifiedDate']},
 "AccountName": @{item()?['Name']},
 "AccountTheater": @{item()?['Theater__c']},
 "AccountRegion": @{item()?['Operation_Region__c']},
 "AccountArea": @{item()?['Area__c']},
 "AccountNumber": @{item()?['Account_Number__c']},
 "": ""


The issue is that you can't build a JSON like this in the parent because Power Automate tries to complete the "@{item()?['...']}" functions when created and the data for item to evaluate is in the child flow.  I need to delay the dynamic completion to the correct spot in the child flow.


Thank you for your help.

  • PabloRoldan Profile Picture
    PabloRoldan 199 on at
    Re: Delay completion of dynamic varibles and fuctions to pass to a child flow

    Hi, you might need to review your logic not sure how you can "resolve it / eval" functions in runtime in PAF, if you copy and paste that code to a compose actions indeed it will try to refer them as expressions, so you will need to pass them as strings. 


     "__metadata": "@@{json(concat('{\"type\":\"SP.Data.', replace(replace(outputs('SettingsCDRAccounts')['listName'], ' ', '_x0020_'),'-',''), 'ListItem\"}'))}",
     "ID": "@@{xpath(xml(outputs('XMLSPArray-CDR-Accounts')),concat('string(//Array[Title/text()=\"', item()['Id'],'\"]/ID/text())'))}",
     "Title": "@@{item()?['Id']}",
     "LastModifiedDate": "@@{item()?['LastModifiedDate']}",
     "AccountName": "@@{item()?['Name']}",
     "AccountTheater": "@@{item()?['Theater__c']}",
     "AccountRegion": "@@{item()?['Operation_Region__c']}",
     "AccountArea": "@@{item()?['Area__c']}",
     "AccountNumber": "@@{item()?['Account_Number__c']}"

    and scape the fx expression with @@




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