I was playing with powerapps by creating a simple inventory lookup to a SQL table accessed via the gateway service. The query was always slow, despite a 100Mb connection onsite, so I tested the same app using the CDS and it was much faster.
So, I want to sync the SQL table with a CDS entity a few times a day to keep it updated. I tried to use a flow process that read all rows from the SQL table and added rows to the CDS service - but it always stops at 500 rows (it appears the powerapps 500 row limit is the same in Flow.)
Has anyone got a way around this? Or maybe there's another way to do it.
I'm trying to think of a way to avoid querying the gateway every few minutes.
I thought I could have a counter in CDS that was incremented for each instance of the flow that started (it would need ot be reset to 0 before a full sync). The counter would be used to retrieve the right set of 500 records, using the offset parameter, for the instance of flow running; when no more records were available I could set a flag in CDS that could be read by new isntances of the flow to tell the flow to terminate because all records were already synced (both the flag and counter would be reset once a day to start the sync.)
However, there does not seem to be a way to increment a field in CDS. I tried reading a field and incrementing it, but flow attempts to convert the code to an integer.
I think I'm hitting the limits of flow here. What appears quite a simple task is becoming very complicated.
Hi @lionofnowhere,
Created 1000 records in a SQL table and try to create the records in CDS. 512 records are created. So the options are try to use the recurrence flow to trigger and configure to run every few minutes or hours. Once the record is created in CDS update the SQL record (SQL Field - 'Updated' Type - boolean) to true. Filter the SQL records using ODATA against Updated boolean flag. I haven't tested the ODATA filter in SQL yet. If you want me to test let me know.
Hi @lionofnowhere,
I think you are right. There is a limitation here. I need to do more testing around here and let you know.