im new to power automate and flow, and i can't figure out how to use my 3 mail accounts with outlook flows.
i got one gmail-account and two accounts from alfahosting. They are set up within my outlook, but im not able to access them in flows....
what am i doing wrong?
would be very grateful for any advice!
That depends on what you mean by "integrated". As I said, there is a Gmail connector so you can create a flow that triggers based on an email arriving in your Gmail mailbox. For the other email accounts it depends on what kind of accounts they are and you haven't supplied that information. Either way you can't integrate them all together in a single flow since they are different connectors and different triggers required for each.
Thanks for the quick reply!
Can you tell me under which conditions it would be possible to have that system integrated?
Or do you know any workarounds?
Although the connector is labeled as Outlook, its really an Office 365 Exchange connector to your Office Online mailbox. So you can't use it to connect to mailboxes from other systems that are loaded into your desktop Outlook. There is a Gmail connector that you can use to access your gmail mailbox. But it will depend on what kind of mailboxes you have from alfahosting whether you can access them or not.