I'm using the action SQL Get rows (v2) to get a list of users from a data base view. To get only active users I added the filter query "Status eq 1". I thought that it worked as it should until i noticed that 3 users (of ~2500) was missing. To test I skipped the filter inside the action but added an array filter action with "@equals(item()?['Status'], 1)". Now I got all the users but strangely I got the exact same number of users in both scenarios. Further investigation showed that I had a couple of duplicates in the scenario with the filter inside "Get Rows" instead of my missing users. Can any one explain this behavior?
Pagination is already enabled and that seams to be part of the problem if it combines with filter.
So, the best workaround seams to be to put a unique value in "Order by' but the bug still annoys me...
// Tomas
Hi @Spångberg
You can try by enabling pagination on the Get rows action in Flow, you can find this by clicking on the 3 dots and then settings:
On there, you can select the number of records that you can to retrieve with pagination:
Best Regards,