Has anyone successfully tested and worked out sending multiple attachments using Start and Wait for an Approval Action? If so, I really need help in building my array expression correctly. I currently have below expression and somehow after referring to 10s of articles am unable to figure what is going wrong with my expression. Please help.
Also tried with outputs('Get_attachment_content')?['body']?['$content']. It would be great if someone explains me the difference. I assume both are same.
Though flow run successfully, my attachments coming to email are corrupted.
It's still possible for the files to get corrupted using the method you have used. You also need to provide the content type in order for it to work reliably (but it is confusing because it will often work without it).
Because I spent so long figuring this out I wrote up my method for multiple attachments on approvals here.
It is almost the same as the method you have used, but ensures you never get any corruption by providing the content-type in the array.
@ChristianAbata It was so simple and i was banging my head literally to find out the right expression. Thanks a lot. Below simple array assignment has fixed my problem. Your video is great. Though I cant understand the language, your actions on the flow made me understand. Thanks once again.
"Name": "@{items('Apply_to_each')?['DisplayName']}",
"Content": @{body('Get_attachment_content')?['body']}
hi @RameshMukka you can see my video about contens in Outlook and Approvals. Are diferents