Hi, I am working on my first Flow, in which I am trying to keep track of new Planner tasks in an Excel sheet. When I try to connect to the Excel File, in the Microsoft Teams files, i can't choose from any Elements in the Dropdown Menu. I have already formated a table in my Excel Sheet but that didn't change anything.
Please help.
I might be missing something due to the language difference, but the Excel connector is specific to OneDrive for Business. If you are trying to use it on a Teams site it won't work. I know the addresses for the Team sites show in the list, but I think that's because MS is using a standardized component to get that list of sites. At one time there were trhee excel connectors, a regular one that worked with SharePoint, one for OneDrive for Business, and one for OneDrive. I don't see the regular one as available anymore, only the ones for OneDrive and OneDrive for Business.
Second Screenshot:
Here is a screenshot of my problem and another screenshot from a test flow i did. Might the 1st error be a result of the error in the 2nd screenshot of being denied to access the excel file in the teams folder?