Flow to develop :
1. Upload a excel to sharepoint ( col : id, name, status)
2. convert the excel into table
3. Read the rows from excel
4. Append all the rows of new excel in pre exisiting Master table. In doing this I want to update/increment the ID column based on previous data
Step 1,2 and 3 is done
In step 4 , I am facing issue : if in my already exisiting data, the last row id is 4 and I am appending 2 more rows then both of my rows ID are showing 5 instead of 1st row to be 5 and 2nd row to be 6. I tried adding a delay also but it doesnt work
Using output of compose in add a row into table
Help would be appreciated.
Hi @v-yueyun-msft ,
Thanks for the response, but I found the solution.
Instead of finding the last row of my Master table inside the loop, I did that outside the loop and assigned to a variable "maxID" and then used increment variable property inside the loop.
This did the work for me 🙂
Ayush Priyadarshi
Hi , @AyushPriyadarsh
If possible , can you try to close the Split on in the trigger's setting to test:
And you need to use the Apply to each action to loop to add a row in your table.
Best Regards,
Yueyun Zhang