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Power Automate - Building Flows

Row limit issue when Querying from Power BI

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Can someone please help me understand the row limit issue when using the Action Query Dataset from Power BI?  I have created flows that:
Query from Power BI Dataset
Select statement to format
Create CSV Table
Email that csv out
I have tried this with 2 different flows from 2 different data tables in Power BI.  I get my query from Power BI by going to the report and going to Performance Optimizer - hitting start, refresh the visuals - and then copy the DAX Query from the table visual.  
The issue I am having when I run my flows is that I'm not getting all of the data. 
In the first flow it had 64k records in my Power BI table visual and columns went from A to K.  When I ran the simple flow shown above I got back 32k records in my CSV file via email - so basically half.  
In the second flow it had 62k records and columns went from A to AB - so a wider report and I got back 11.5k records in my csv file via email - not half again like the previous flow.  
Oh, I ran a 3rd one that had over 100k records and the columns simply went from A to C - so just 3 columns and there I got 100k records exactly.
What is it about the width of the data that determines how many records you return?  Is there a way around this?  I tried the loop thing from Kurbal but that didn't help at all - its still just pulling in the ~11k records in the 2nd example.  Do I need to let the record option in performance analyzer when I get the query in DAX run a long time before I stop it or something??  Oh - I upped the record limit in the TopN in the query to 100k or 500k - and it doesn't make any difference.  
Any info on how this happens and how I can get around it would be greatly appreciated!!

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