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Uploaded documents not returning results

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Hey all.

Trying Copilot Studio. When I upload a document (tried PDF and Word), the bot doesn't return any result. The upload appears to be successful, Use generative answers is enabled and I've waited a significant period of time (over an hour) but basic, relevant questions consistently get the following types of responses: I’m sorry, I’m not sure how to help with that. Can you try rephrasing?


Is there something obvious I might be missing?

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Uploaded documents not returning results

    @RodyBarreto if your KB articles are in a third-party tool: does it has an API you could use to pull the data in real time? That way you would not be dependent on Bing indexing

  • RodyBarreto Profile Picture
    RodyBarreto 8 on at
    Re: Uploaded documents not returning results

    Thanks for the sugestion!

  • RodyBarreto Profile Picture
    RodyBarreto 8 on at
    Re: Uploaded documents not returning results

    I understood. Thanks for the feedback.
    And how long does this usually take?
    I had already suspected this, and 2 days ago I accessed Bing's WebMaster Tools. In it, I requested the reindex of our website (which is also being consumed by the chatbot on pages that have already been removed). However, even forcing the reindex and submission of the sitemap, the Bing search engine continues to return old cached pages.

    Still, my knowledge base articles are in a third-party tool, where I have no chance of requesting reindex with Bing's Webmaster tools...

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Uploaded documents not returning results

    Hi @RodyBarreto 

    I had confirmation from our product team: Copilot Studio is pulling from Bing cache for the content of the page - you have to wait for Bing to re-index your page for your Copilot to be updated.

    Sorry about that

  • Dickson6592 Profile Picture
    Dickson6592 14 on at
    Re: Uploaded documents not returning results

    Hey @RodyBarreto, after a lot of tinkering and testing, I think I have come up with a solution that worked for me and most likely would work for your case as well.

    1. I made use of Azure's semantic search by creating a search index of the files (I am not sure if you can do it with an url or not, but you can try adding those at different parts of the pipeline)

    2. Created an OpenAI resource (you would have to apply for it in Azure dashboard (just ahve to fill up a form citing your use case and it will be approved in a day or two)

    3. Once approved, open the OpenAI Studio and import the search index you had created earlier. This not only results in better responses, but also lets you control what documents to use. Like for example if your first search index was composed from 3 documents and you realize you don't need 1 of them or want to add a few more, all you have to do is add/delete your files and reindex it, and the responses get reflected in your OpenAI studio. (Basically there's a chat playground in OpenAI studio which acts like a testing environment for your chatbot)

    4. Once you are happy with your result, you have 2 options for deployment - either as a Copilot Studio or as a web deployment.

    5. I have tried both, and I realized the Copilot deployment is still buggy and doesn't work that well (Copilot issues). Best solution would be to do a web deployment and then add the link to the webpage in your teams, which ultimately works out as a chatbot within your teams (it's sort of a workaround that works 😂)

  • RodyBarreto Profile Picture
    RodyBarreto 8 on at
    Re: Uploaded documents not returning results

    Hello! My sequence was:


    1-I created my chat bot, pointing the URL to our company's website, blog and knowledge base, and with generative responses activated. I published it just for testing with my team.


    2-I changed some articles and deleted one that no longer made sense and made the bot respond to something wrong.


    3-I retested the bot and it continued responding according to the original articles (including the deleted one).


    4-I tried several things for the bot to notice the changes: I removed the 3 URLs from the public sites section of my bot, reincluded them, republished them and nothing worked.


    5-This URL below is the one the bot is using to answer a question and it points to the old path of the article that was deleted. Note that if you click on it, it will not be found:



    What did I discover? that if I take part of the answer that the bot is answering me and search on Bing, it will find the old page in CACHE.


    I'm guessing this is why the chatbot is responding to outdated information. It's using the bing cache, wouldn't that be it?


    The snippet I searched for on Bing is:


    "O site CEI enviará uma nova senha provisória para o e-mail cadastrado"


    Copilot and bing search are doing the same thing as my chatbot: it suggests the URL of the deleted article and next to it, Copilot suggests a response based on that article. See the image (sorry for it being in Portuguese, that's what we use here):




  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Uploaded documents not returning results

    Hi @RodyBarreto 

    Could you share the website you are using? What article did you modify? What was the before/after modification? Did you try re-publishing your copilot?

  • RodyBarreto Profile Picture
    RodyBarreto 8 on at
    Re: Uploaded documents not returning results

    @remidyon I am using external website as source. The website I configured is our knowledge base, with hundreds of articles on html pages. Generative responding is searching correctly and responding well. However, today I changed some articles and the bot insists on responding based on previous versions of the articles. I have already removed the URL from the website and added it again. I've already pressed the Update Generative Responses button and nothing either. How can I "force" this refresh, so the bot can read my current articles? Is this possible, should I wait for Bing to reindex my site?

  • Dickson6592 Profile Picture
    Dickson6592 14 on at
    Re: Uploaded documents not returning results

    yeah they are setup as per the connections mentioned by you

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at

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