Hi Team ,
I am sending mail using shared mail box .. Which i have all access .
This flow is triggering from power apps . It is working for me ..but for the other user email is failed .
Do they also need access in the shared mail box ?
Please let me know any other options are there .
I believe so. Everything that you want the flow to do has to be doable by the individual who triggers it via flow.
There is a workaround, but it's not "blessed" by microsoft and could cease to work at any time, but you create an automated flow that triggers off an item being added to a sharepoint list. You then have your power app record all the information needed to send an email or teams channel post, to columns in the sharepoint list. This way the power app user only needs permission to the sharepoint list, and then the automated flow which operates as the owner (you) takes over and does the rest.
Hi @srduval
Thanks for the reply. Is same applies for the Teams notification also .
I am sending teams notification in Teams channel . do i need to add the users also to the channel ?
Thanks again..
Yes they will need access. Triggering a flow from the power apps runs the flow as the user who is using the app, not the owner (you) of the flow. So everything you do in the flow that's triggered by the app will work as though that user is doing all the work.