I want to start a Power Pages project, which will eventually go live. I would like to know, what would be the best strategy to start with, regarding the environment and the type of website to create?
Is it best to:
a) Have an Production Environment in which to create a Trial website, which later to convert to Production?
b) Have a Developer Environment in which to create a Developer website, and then migrate it to a Production Environment and convert it to Production? (because as far as I know, you can not convert a website to Production in a Developer Environment)
Having this said, what role would I need in a Production Environment so that I can create and manage a Power Pages website? Because I know I need some administrative roles, but I am not really sure which one would be the best approach.
Please advise me on what would be the best approach to start and develop my Power Pages project.
Thank you!
not ideal, but it is what it is, Microsoft may expect that Portals under PROD environment should be licensed, perhaps set the Portal in DEV as Private, as this is not expected to be licensed.
Yes I would say it does make sense
Technically the website is in "DEV" environment, which should have DEV data and not PROD data
Also, worth setting it as Private as mentioned above
Hi @OliverRodrigues
Thank you for your reply! Very useful. So, this leaves me with one more question. To explain, my company has a (DEV) Environment of Production Type. And a (PROD) Environment also of Production Type (i know, maybe not the best strategy, but this is not up to me). So if I create my website in the DEV environment, does it make sense to export and import the solution afterwards in the PROD environment? Because if the website will be basically on the internet, what is the purpose to move it from one environment to another? (sorry if I may not make much sense, but I am new to Power Pages and its concepts).
Hi, a few things that might help you:
Every Portal starts as 30 days Trial, and you have to convert it to Production, you don't need to worry about licenses for Sandbox environment.
Developer environment are meant for personal/learning purposes, you shouldn't consider that a project environment.