I am using "Start an approval" with "Everyone from the assigned list" as the approval type to gather approvals when a new item is created in a SharePoint list. In the event that not all the approvers see the email and approve/reject in a timely fashion, is there a way for the user that manages the SharePoint list to see which approver is holding up the Flow?
Hello Scott, I'm using the same approach you suggested. I have six approvers running parallel with six columns to update in SharePoint list to indicate which approver has responded. I also have a multi-line text box with "append changes". When I run the Flow, it appears that each column updated with the approver name in SharePoint list but each same column returns empty when the next approver approved and so on. It seems to only retains whomever approved last.
How can I capture all six approvers in parallel approval?
@ScottShearer , Thanks for getting back to me either way.
@gethinl :
My error - I just tested again and found that even if I terminate the Flow that the Approval is still active and shows in the approval center for the approver.
@ScottShearer , I am looking to do something very similar to this. Please could you post the example you mentioned below please?
Hello Scott,
Could you explain how this would be set up?
I am getting the list of approvers from a list. Is there a way to set up a flow with a variable number of parallel brances?
How do you "cancel" the other approval flows in the other parallel branches if one of the people rejects it?
@jkantola - As far as I know, there is no way to see who has/has not approved when using an approval action and the "everyone" option.
As an alternative, you might consider individual approval actions for each approver running in parallel. When an approver approves or rejects, you can update a column in the SharePoint list to indicate who has approved. I have used a multi-line text box with "append changes" turned on for this purpose..
Post here if you need an example.
If this solves your issue, please mark your question as solved.