I am trying to get data from a Dataverse table when an new Form response is made.
I get the error:
Bad Request - Error in query syntax.
I can't seem to figure out if I get the error because I use the wrong row-id or why the issue is happening.
In the Microsoft explanation (https://docs.microsoft.com/da-dk/power-automate/dataverse/get-row-id) they use a string with numbers and letters as their Row ID, but I can't seem to find a similar ID for my row. Where do I find this?
Can someone help with this?
I'm getting ID data from power apps because of my records are coming over power apps with "ID" column. but I have still same problem and I can not see "Data" setting in the Table screen. How can I find it?
Hi Karl_F,
Yes you can. Whether you do an update or a create or a trigger, you can look for the id by simply clicking inside any "input". Make sure you are on the dynamic tab. Then scroll down until you see the Green section(s) of any dataverse actions. Look for the action with the name you gave it.
Then scroll through the values. You will see the row id and you will see the GUID (unique id) . Here is the Unique ID (not the row id) the row id was further down. You can always tell the GUID as its got the same name as the table
Sorry I blanked out the name, but it does match the Table Name 🙂
Is there a way to get this GUID without going into Power Apps. For example, can it be retrieved from within Power Automate i.e. if the trigger was a new row being added to a Dataverse table is there a way to grab the GUID of this new row from within Power Automate in the same flow?
Thank you! It works now 🙂