I created the flow base on HTTP and then response is only XML as below. I want to put the condition after HTTP output and make the another action. But i still cannot find the condition for http output body. I only can see @equals(body('HTTP'), '')
Here is my http output body.
<Soap:Envelope xmlns:Soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <Soap:Body> <IsNASKeepAlive_Result xmlns="urn:microsoft-dynamics-schemas"> <return_value>Your return value is here.</return_value> </IsNASKeepAlive_Result> </Soap:Body> </Soap:Envelope>
I want to put the condition like this on condition.
IF return_value = "" THEN 'Do something ELSE 'Do something
Hi @yukonn
I am having great trouble with XML from this site of the European Central Bank:
What is the xPath expression to obtain the date value?
I have tried this:
But I get this error:
The template language function 'xpath' parameters are invalid: the 'xpath' parameter must be a supported, well formed XPath expression. Please see https://aka.ms/logicexpressions#xpath for usage details.
Any ideas?
Hi Chandbhu,
Thanks for your reply. I tried it before i post here. We cannot direcly use body to check for condition. Because retun body has xml format, so that equal function always return false. i used the compose func and check the data. here is my logic for other.
Here is code inside compose
"@xpath(xml(body('Http')), 'string(/*[name()=\"Soap:Envelope\"]/*[name()=\"Soap:Body\"]/*[name()=\"IsNASKeepAlive_Result\"]/*[name()=\"return_value\"])')"