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Power Automate - General Discussion

get any information out of MS Shifts

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Dear all!

I new to power automate, and i would like to get out of ms teams shift of ANY information, so far witout success. I created a new automation flow, with trigger named "when a shift created updated or delted" and added an action, send an e-mail. I can add delete modify and share the new shifts nothing happens.

What am i doing wong?


  • Blazh Profile Picture
    Blazh 25 on at
    Re: get any information out of MS Shifts


    I am also new power automate user and have same problem. I am storing each new MS SHifts Time off request to a sharepoint list. If a Time off request is deleted, I would like to update the status of Time off request in the sharepoint list. I created the flow below but nothing happened. Do you have any idea what the problem is? 


    Flow part 1.PNGFlow part 2.PNG

     Your feedback is highly appreciated.

     Best regards,


  • Brad_Groux Profile Picture
    Brad_Groux 4,556 on at
    Re: get any information out of MS Shifts

    As stated in my reply, we need to see your detailed flow run history, and any error messages it may have to understand why the trigger isn't working. There could be hundreds of reasons it isn't working, that's why we need the run history. For the best results, you may want to review How to write a good forum post.

    If this reply answers your question or solves your issue, please ACCEPT AS SOLUTION ☑️. If you find this reply helpful, please consider giving it a LIKE.

  • petersonal Profile Picture
    petersonal 10 on at
    Re: get any information out of MS Shifts

    This is the 3rd time i post this reply. So again the screenhot is: here (i do not have permission to upload picture). The trigger seems to me not working at all.

    Unfortunatelly there is no run history neither error messeages. Connections seems okay, green ticks next to office 365 and Shifts for MS Teams.

  • Brad_Groux Profile Picture
    Brad_Groux 4,556 on at
    Re: get any information out of MS Shifts

    If you could provide an expanded screenshot of your Flow and steps, your Flow run history, and of any detailed error messages you're receiving we could likely better assist you. Also, for the best results, you may want to review How to write a good forum post.

    If this reply answers your question or solves your issue, please ACCEPT AS SOLUTION ☑️. If you find this reply helpful, please consider giving it a LIKE.

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