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Power Automate - AI Builder


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Can someone please explain the credit system to me a bit simpler. The documentation does not seem to be very clear on what qualifies as a credit. I have a flow that extracts invoice details using a custom model. I have a power automate premium license that has 5000 credits. Is there any way to check how many credits a flow takes every time it runs. Say for example
My flow checks every email in the invoices folder to see if it has an attachment. If it does it scans this for details and then creates a file in sharepoint with some of the information it has extracted. 
I would just like the credit system explained a bit more and if, its something I have to purchase more of how do I do this and what does it enable you. 
Any help much appreciated
  • samiak Profile Picture
    samiak on at
    AI Builder is licensed as a capacity add-on that must be allocated to a Microsoft Power Platform environment by an administrator. Each AI builder capability consumes credits at a different rate. 
    AI Builder burn rates can be found in Microsoft Power Platform Licensing Guide, this will help you estimate your needs.
    As Admin, you can access AI Builder Consumption report in Power Platform Admin Center/Resources/Capacity/Summary/Add-ons/Download reports.
    The PPAC report shows the consumption data for the past rolling 30 days. Once generated, it remains available for download for 30 days.
    You can also have a view of current consumption of all environments reading the Consumption bar.

    As Maker, you can access AI Builder activity in Power Apps/ AI Builder activity in the left navigation bar. If it's not present, click More/Discover all and select "AI Builder activity". See Monitor Model Activity
    It allows to view your own (or all, if you're an admin) AI Builder credit consumption for an environment, as recorded in the Dataverse "AI Event" table.
    Consumption is reset on the first day of each calendar month.
    Hope that helps,

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