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Track column changes to get a previous value (Email and send to that email address)

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Hi everyone, hoping for some master guidance on this one if possible please :)
So I have followed Rezas guide for modified items and tracking column changes, this is working as expected. I am trying to use this as a base to implement a small tweak but having a bit of difficulty implementing it and just wanted to know if it was possible or not?
Background context of the app/process
  • Built an auction app in Powerapps
  • Flow connected to the app to pick up modifications to the bids
I would like the flow to be able to send emails to the previous bidder to notify them that they were outbid. Is this possible to somehow grab the value of the previous version from the column (Highestbidder/text field) and send that as an email using the email action? I am grabbling the information in the last step and displaying it via email but that is coming from this expression.
  • join(variables('varHTML'),'<br>')
Is the above achievable? Would appreciate any feedback, guidance or alternative ideas?
Thank you :)
  • lucahydro Profile Picture
    lucahydro 42 on at
    Track column changes to get a previous value (Email and send to that email address)
    Hi guys, still stuck on this one ... does anyone have any suggestions for me please?
    Thanks! :)
  • lucahydro Profile Picture
    lucahydro 42 on at
    Track column changes to get a previous value (Email and send to that email address)
    Hi @Nived_Nambiar, thanks for your response
    I have reviewed the details on the video and I have got the previous version details working. My issue or request/tweak is to see if its possible to somehow email one of the values pulled from the previous version array
    Attached are some images to try and explain what I am doing a bit better 
    As you can see the http request and the append to array variable is grabbing the email address from the field/column "HighestBidder", which was captured from the previous version (working ok)
    My requirement is to email the previous value of HighestBidder when using the "Send an email notification" action. This is to notify the person who previously had a bid on the auction item that they have been outbid.
    I cannot use the column HighestBidder in the email action as it will send an email to the person with the current highest bid. I am trying to see if I can via some sort of expression or something grab the previous value and enter it here??
    Thanks! :)
  • Suggested answer
    Nived_Nambiar Profile Picture
    Nived_Nambiar 17,039 on at
    Track column changes to get a previous value (Email and send to that email address)
    I think in video they have explained the send http request action which helps to get item previous version details.
    Refer this blog as well.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Nived N

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