Can you try below way, it should help
Create a new flow in Power Automate.
Choose the trigger "For a selected message" from the Teams connector to start the flow when the bot sends the options.
Use the action "Post a choice of options as the Flow bot to a user" (you may already have this set up). Configure the choices and collect comments from the user.
Add the action "When a choice response is submitted" (Teams connector). This will capture the user's selection and comment.
Add the action "Add a row into a table" from the Excel Online (Business) connector. Note that this step requires you to have a table pre-created in an Excel file stored in OneDrive or SharePoint. The table should have columns for data like "User Response", "Comment", "User Name", etc.
Configure the Excel action by specifying the location of the file, the table name, and mapping the columns in Excel to the data captured in previous steps. For example, map the user's response to the "User Response" column and the comment to the "Comment" column.
Save and test your flow. When the user submits their response and comment in Teams, the flow will automatically add their input into the Excel file.
Example JSON for the "Post a choice of options" action:
In the Excel action, example mapping might look like:
Save the flow and test it by running the Teams bot. Verify that the Excel file updates correctly after the user submits their response.
Please mark as answered if my answer helps you