I have 19k files in a library in SP that have generic names (068Do000005QxlaIAC for example), and I have an excel file with a table that has these exact same names in column A, and the actual file name in column B.
How would I go about renaming all these files based on data from the excel table?
Okay, so, if we're making them all .pdf to start, I'd add that to the Excel file.
Here's what my Excel file looked like:
And here's the flow:
Let me know if you have any issues.
One thing to note:
If you have other metadata that you want to carry over in other columns, you'll need to do some other steps before you delete. Let me know.
Also keep in mind that when you transition them all to PDF, they won't open if they aren't PDFs. I'm streaming right now and we're trying to figure out how to determine a file type without an extension using PA but haven't gotten there yet.....
Well that is part of the problem, they are all either jpg, pdf, or word and I have no way of knowing, so to start I was going to make them all pdf to see what opens and what doesn't and then go from there.
I want the filename changed.
Hi there,
First off, I want to be clear that NAME and TITLE are different. NAME is the filename (includes extension) and Title is the actual display title of the document. Right now, I don't see an extension in NAME, which is an issue! What is the file type? Do these actually open?
Do you actually want to rename the NAME (filename), OR, do you want to ADD (or update, if it's already there) the TITLE? In your view of SharePoint, modify it, and add "Title" to the view. It might be auto-populated with the NAME.
Let me know, and I'll do an example for you 🙂