Hi all,
I have a flow that is occasionally taking a long time (12 minutes) to run. With the amount of work it is doing, that is actually acceptable.
I call it from a PowerApp.
Because it is taking so long, the Response in the flow times out, and the PowerApp does not get the response. See the error in Power Automate below:
ActionResponseTimedOut. The execution of template action 'Respond_to_a_PowerApp_or_flow' is failed: the client application timed out waiting for a response from service. This means that workflow took longer to respond than the alloted timeout value. The connection maintained between the client application and service will be closed and client application will get an HTTP status code 504 Gateway Timeout.
My questions:
(1) Is this timeout configurable on the PowerApps side, or the Power Automate side (I know this is possible in Logic Apps) - WITHOUT an asynchronous response?
(2) If it is not configurable, is there an open issue out there that I can vote on to make this configurable in PowerApps or Power Automate?
Sure, I already thought of this, but it is not what I was looking for as a solution. I don't want to persist the reponse. If it cannot be done surely there is a thread out there with User Voice I can upvote...
Hi @andrew1stein :
I am afraid that there is no way to solve the timeout problem, but I have an alternative:
Save the things you want to return to online services such as SharePoint or Datavers, and then connect to these online services in the Canvas APP to get the running results of Flow.For Example:
1\My Flow
2\My App
Because the response is executed first, there will be no timeout. App can obtain the unique identification code, and then use this identification code to search the data that flow was sounded during execution and saved in the SP.
Best Regards,