Hi I am seeing a 502 Gateway problem with a built flow from a user that is currently on leave from my work. The user transferred the current flow from personal gateway to an enterprise gateway back in December 2021. Up until now, the flow runs successfully without email notification on error. For the last few days, error of "Power Automate: Scheduled Copy Files from BB SFTP to OneDrive Failed." The flow is currently owned by an org email that only a few can access during the user's absence and I am one of them. When I logged into the Power BI account using the org email, I saw two errors, one is Bad Gateway and the other is the notification email for failed flow.
The BadGateway window is below:
When I clicked on "My Flow" to then "Edit" to see the workflow, the workflow shows two exclamation marks, one at the List files in folder step and one in the send me an email notification step. The List files in folder shows the link to the folder that has the following link: /C:/FTPHome/.../Queue Exports FTP/Files to One Drive. The data is pulled using SFTP. Blackbaud is the vendor that we work with.
I read that Bad gateway is something that may relieve itself later in time, but it has not since I am still getting errors in email. I also did try to "resubmit" according to the Microsoft document on Authentication Failure. I am wondering what's your take on this? What may have happened?