Hello All,
I have this form that enables users to edit their responses. In my flow, I'm trying to create a SharePoint List that will save a unique code (response from question 1) and a link that will redirect the user in editing the submitted form. Assuming that I'm the only one answering the form, is there a way to do this?
The reason behind I'm trying to create a list is to make a better ui in my response monitoring. Editing responses in "Filled Form" tab is a bit tricky as all saved response were labelled the same.
I'm trying to build the url for the editable response form but I don't know how the get the "ResponseToken".
url is something like this https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponseDetailPage.aspx?id={form_id}u&rid={response_id}&GetResponseToken={response_token}
{form_id} ok
{response_id} ok
{response_token} ???
{form_id} ok
{response_id} ok
{response_token} ???
Create a Flow like I did and you can grab the response id and write whatever you want to the list.