Hello. I'm trying to query google calendar for today's appointments only however it will not find evening appointments based on keywords.
This is my Min Time
formatDateTime(convertTimeZone(addSeconds(startOfDay(addDays(utcNow(), 1)), -1), 'UTC', 'Eastern Standard Time'), 'yyyy-MM-ddT00:01')
This is my Max Time
formatDateTime(convertTimeZone(addSeconds(startOfDay(addDays(utcNow(), 1)), -1), 'UTC', 'Eastern Standard Time'), 'yyyy-MM-ddT23:59')
I've also tried
Min Time: startOfDay(utcNow())
Max Time: startOfDay(addDays(utcNow(),1))
It still searches via UTC now and not EST.
Power Automate connectors expect dates in UTC.
The formatDate() prevents your expression from being useful.