We have the same issue as was posted here. The login worked up until a few weeks ago and now we are unable to log back in.
Kindly provide us with a solution. Thank you in advance,
I do not have an active support subscription. I'd be glad to pay support and even go with their product but without compiling their product is useless.
It would be great to have a backup computer with key they sent but they are sneaky and needs to be on same computer. In old days I could deacitvate and activate my paid liecense on another computer.
If I pay and they give me a wide open license I'd go that path but it seems my perpetual license would stop after 6 months.
My WinAutomation that accepted .lic files is not v6 but v9.2.4.5905, it is available here - https://aka.ms/Softomotive-Instructions
If I got it right, license can be prolongated on another 6 months in some cases
Also I had no problems with creating a ticket (you should have active support subscription)
I downloaded v6 from Microsoft Website. Put in key they sent and now it says wrong machine.
I clicked on link above to send i a ticket but I cannot see how to create a ticket.
If their new lic lasts only 6 months in long wrong it is useless.
Whenever I bring up W/A6 (I own 7 but need to compile).
I get an oops message on windows startup and none of jobs run with scheduler. This seems to have happened after WIndows update. Winautomatoin website is taken down. I tried to put WA6 with lic file I downloaded months ago and fails because winautomation is down.
When going into debug mode it waits for several secods, my guess WA goes to their website that does not exist and lic file does not work becuase it fails going to WA website.
It seems M/S is tryinig to firce to go to their services, which I would except without compile option I cannot have hundreds of cusomers buy their Power Automate program.
Any ideas?
Only if you choose Request type = 'Other'. I had the same problem. Virtual agent is not working, even not able to create a new request.
Try to choose the following from dropdown lists (my profile language is not English so translation may be not precisely correct, but pretty close to original ones):
Product = Power Automate
Request type = Administration
Request subtype = Licensing
Request reason = Technical support
-- after that you should be able to bypass Virtual agent and create a request for a human 🙂
all request are redirect to virtual agent
Got .lic file from https://powerautomate.microsoft.com/en-us/support
@MPAC Experiencing the same WinAutomation login issue. Microsoft is not helping me with a .lic file. Do you know what support team helped you. Can you provide any additional information please?
Same situation as from r_udaltsov.
I´ve received a licence file from microsoft support and everything works.
Just one important information - validity of licence file is only 6 months. After that is neccessary migrate to powerAutomate platform.
Hope this information will be useful
I finally got WinAutomation license file (.lic) from https://powerautomate.microsoft.com/en-us/support and successfully installed it on v9.2.4.5905 instead of logging to MS account. Now everything works well.