My powerapp has been working fine for many months and over the last day it has been failing for 401 unauthorized when trying to access a SharePoint file that was just created by the same user.
I'm creating a file in SharePoint based on data passed in (which is successful and visible/accessible in SharePoint) but the very next action in the flow tries to "List rows present in a table" to loop through them but it's failing for 401 Unauthorized. The person creating the file can open/read it via SharePoint interface but PowerAutomate has been giving me a 401 error for the last day or so.
clientRequestId: e3ba3cc0-04fa-4031-b6ab-521feff3adbf
@ManishSolanki @abm @SudeepGhatakNZ any thoughts on this ?
Nived N 🚀
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