Hello there,
I am trying to get the built-in library "Documents" using Sharepoint Get files (properties only). Since this action only allows maximum of 100 items, I am trying to filter Path using ODATA filtering. However, no matter if I use Path eq 'xxxx' or {Path} eq 'xxxx', I get either column Path is not found or {Path} is not valid.
Because my site address is dynamic, return value is JSON, maybe this is why ODATA filter does not work.
Does anyone know how to filter correctly? Thank you so much for your help.
Best regards,
Hello @DavidLee ,
Maybe you've already found a solution for your problem but
for the path of your filtered item/file, you can filter in OData with the internal Sharepoint name of Path (FileDirRef)
like this :
Hello @WillPage ,
Thanks for the info. However, filtering would be a better solution as we use Sharepoint Documents as file server to store files, and number of files/folders will eventually be more than a certain amount. Moreover, I have other condition actions afterwards, condition action processing that many rows of data will take too long in Power Automate.
If I were to use static Sharepoint site by selecting from drop-down list, do you know what the correct Path column name is so that I can use ODATA filter? I tried using the field "Limited Entries to the Folder", but initially if the folder does not exist, flow will stop due to error, so I need to use ODATA filter field.
Thank you so much.
Best regards,
Go into the settings of the action from the 3 dots menu, turn on Pagination and set to max 5000 items if you're on the seeded plan and something like 100000 on a paid plan. It'll error when you try and save if you've put a too big number in there and it'll tell you what your maximum is.