Are you trying to rename a file or flow? If a file, please update the subject of your post. And if it is a file you want to rename, I think you are encountering the same issue I had just yesterday. The key to fixing it is adding /ListItemAllFields to the end of the Uri value.
I am by no means an expert, but the following configuration of the HTTP request worked for me with updating 50 items:
The following are the values used above. I used a compose action to generate the new name, so you can replace that with your values.
Uri value: _api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('@{items('For_each')?['{Path}']}@{items('For_each')?['{Name}']}')/ListItemAllFields
Note: I was updating folder names, so I would use your current Uri value but add "/ListItemAllFields" to the end as I mentioned above.
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