I am trying to use Power Automate to send an email notification to people selected in the Assigned to column in a SharePoint list. The list already has around 500+ items and I want send notification whenever the assigned to is modified.
Can this be achieved in Power Automate?
In the Power Automate that I have, I am checking if the Assigned to column is not empty and I am sending email to "Assigned To". But this will keep sending email to Assigned to person, whenever the item is modified and the assigned to remains the same.
I am thinking to add one more single line of text column and update that to email address from "Assigned to" column so that I can check if "Single line of Text != Assigned to" and then send email. This would also require me to populate the single line of text column to have same value as Assigned to.
Is there any other way to achieve this?
@Mira_Ghaly This is great! I've created a workflow using this logic and am very happy. I do wonder if there is another flow to cover 'Send email notification when a list column is created'. At the moment field X (person field) is my Has Column Changed trigger field, but sometimes I will add to my SharePoint List and know at the time who I will add and the 'updated' flow doesn't recognise it going from NULL to a value. It only recognises it going from a value to a value.
Any help? Thanks 🙂
Take a look at your condition. It should be equal to 'true'.
'True', 'Yes' or 'yes' are not working. I first used a capital letter 'T' and that didn't work.
You can also check the output value in your column in the run history. This value has to be 'true' to send the email.
Good luck
Thank you! You're a star!
I'm receiving the error below when I have the has the column been updated. If only use the column name then it send duplicate emails to everybody marked as completed.
Please follow this video here:
And this article to be able to achieve your flow to be triggered on column change: