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Power Automate - Building Flows

How to set Dataverse Owner or Created By field value dynamically using Power Automate

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I have a list of users in an Excel document that was shared with me, I want to use Power Automate to populate a dataverse table with the list dynamically and set the Created By or Owner field with the information on the Excel document (Name or Email address). I have tried using this on the flow Owner field for the table:
systemusers(, but it wasn't working.
do not want the Created By and Owner field to show the flow signed-in user information. Any support will be appreciated.
  • sroo Profile Picture
    sroo 880 on at
    How to set Dataverse Owner or Created By field value dynamically using Power Automate
    @Mfon if they aren't part of 365 Dynamics they can't be added as owners. You can create a column and add their email address to keep track of who it belongs to but it won't be with the innate Owner field. If you need it to be the Owner field you first need to add then to 365 Dynamics as users.
  • Mfon Profile Picture
    Mfon 26 on at
    How to set Dataverse Owner or Created By field value dynamically using Power Automate
    Thank you for your response.
    The users that are in the Excel file have not been created on dataverse before, this is the first time they are going to be uploaded into dataverse, so how am I going to use the internalEmailAddress to filter?
  • sroo Profile Picture
    sroo 880 on at
    How to set Dataverse Owner or Created By field value dynamically using Power Automate
    You need to get the owners systemuser id to be able to assign it. You can make a List rows action, filter it on InternalEMailAddress for the right email address and then add that id in the Dataverse action where you need it. You can use this expression 
    Then you don't need to use the Apply to each action...

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