I am trying to create a soluiton using MS Forms to gather responses from users, then using MS Flow, populate the results of that survey to a SharePoint list, where I can do some caluclated columns and display a ranking based on the wieghts of the questions.
I have been banging my head against the desk. I can get the MS Forms data imported into a SharePoint list. (Easy Peasy).
BUT....when I try to add additional logic to allow end users to update the MS Form, which would then update the question answers that were orignally submitted - and not create a new list entry....well, that is where I am hitting the wall.
I can get it to create a new item, but if I do get the updates working, it creates a new entry and then updates the existing as well.. very frustrating.
Below is the last iteration I have tried, with no succcess. Any guidance oir advice is GREATLY appreciated.
Image 4
Image 3
Image 2
Image 1
I stepped away and grabbed another cup of coffee and did another review of the Flow and found my issue. I had an apply to each in the yes action. You did not show that in your suggestion example, so I removed it and retest.
SUCCESS!! Thank you Very much!
Hi Barry,
Thank you for the suggestion. I am trying this, and it is sucessfully running and completing the Flow run, but it dos not update my list with any data now.
Not sure what I may be missing. it would update the list prior, but not now.
Hi @DuaneAlleman,
You could configure Get items-Filter Query to get exist item which store the submission submitted by the responder.