The excel contains a table with email id and alert date. Based on this data, a mail has to be sent to the person.
-Outlook has to pick email id from the excel table
-And the trigger for sending the email should be based on alert date.. i,e if alert date is Today s date then a mail has to be sent. I have created the attached flow. The Alert date in excel format is being reflected as number. So Flow is not being executed in right manner.
How to change the format of date which is linked with excel?
@RobElliott Thanks a lot for the solution, I had been trying that since long time.
@Nanig Excel formats dates as an integer so to use them in your flow you need to convert that integer to a date. You can do this with a Compose action and add the following expression (where CCheck is the column in my spreadsheet with the date, so change it to your column):
formatDateTime(addDays('1900-01-01', add(int(items('Apply_to_each')?['CCheck']),-2)), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
You then select from the dynamic content the output of the Compose action.
If you are doing a comparison of the output against today's date then always make sure you use yyyy-MM-dd.
Los Gallardos
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