I have a Flow trigger that fires when SharePoint list data is added up updated. The Flow actions copies text from a "comments" multiline textbox to a "description" multiline textbox in an 'update SharePoint list' action. The data in the description column is then read by an iCalendar file and printed in the body area of the Outlook event. My issue is that I am attempting to append multiple objects to display in the description field with line breaks. (i.e. 'Comments' + line break + 'LinkURL')
The problem is that each object in the series is printed on the same line in a long string. Line breaks and
carriage returns are either ignored or break once inside the iCal body. By breaking, I specifically mean that
all content AFTER the carriage return is stripped out or truncated at the carriage return.
The best working example I have (although it does not create a new line) is one that adds a space to allow the "LinkURL"
to act like a linkable hyperlink (otherwise it butts-up against the text preceding it negating the hyperlink).
What I am wanting is a programmatic way to add a line break between the 'comments' and the 'linkUrl'.
If the concatenation method is the wrong choice, please indicate a better solution (please give specific examples).
I have attempted to place the following escape characters in the concatenation expression just as the '<br/>' tags are currently used, but with no success. These characters are simply printed to the page because they are seen or interpreted as text.
I have tried adding the following expressions as 'Compose' objects and physically adding them between the 'comments' and
'LinkURL' objects with no success. (i.e. 'Comments' + line break + 'LinkURL')
uriComponentToString('%0A') for line feed
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.