I have an issue with the "create table" step in my flow, my flow is supposed to capture an email attachment which is "xlsx" file and create table in the file with certain range and transfer this table content into a sharepoint list. The flow has been working well for the past few months, until 9.30am this morning (China timezone) it worked fine, but everything since then has failed, it's still not working so far. I have no choice but to manually upload the contents into the sharepoint list now. With the other descriptions above here, it seems something is wrong with either the Flow site setup or the server??? Hope this issue can be solved quickly, as manual work is a real pain! Thanks!!!
Here is the detail of it
Good to know all. That things are continue again.
Everything works fine for me now too
I raised a microsoft suppot ticket yesterday too and they confirmed that they had a global outage.
They just emailed to say it's now been fixed.
@ashwanidv100 Thanks for the reply. It turns out I didn't change anything or try any other solution from my end, but I did talk to the helpdesk and they raised a ticket for me with the SharePoint support team, then a support engineer called me to ask for the details of error and screenshots, an hour later the flow went back to normal. Although this engineer claimed she did nothing from her end either, which makes this whole down-back process pretty weird, but it proves my theory - something must have happened at the server, not me or my users behavior, because we have been doing exactly the same thing for the past 4 months and everything just failed yesterday and came back today. The only pattern I can probably see is: it was broken at around 10am (at UTC+8 time zone) yesterday, and went back on at nearly the same time today, so not sure what happened within these 24 hours.
This generally happens when your excel or flow get updated or for some reason the matching ids gets broken.
There are couple of ways to have a look to find the actual issue.
I think these steps are always helps to find any error in power automate and especially while using excel connector.
I can see that your 'Create Table' connector is indicating to find wrong file. Check the extension of your excel file.
If this answer help you by any means, Please gives a thumbs up !
Issue that I'm experiencing is shown below. This only started happening this morning and is causing multiple flows to fail.
Bringing this to the top because many users are relying on this flow+power app to finish their daily work. Hope the super users or admin can see this!
Exact same issue for me too!