Hello everyone! I need to create a flow that sends email notifications when pads expire, and Battery expire. before 30 days reminder, I was trying to follow some examples but not luck! I really appreciate if someone can help me on this matter, Thank You 🙂
Hello! Can you show me your flow? I'm having trouble doing mine here 🙄, thank in advance🙂
Hi @lcdelgado
Glad to know it helped you
You can make changes in flow and expression accordingly as per your list ☺️
This is much better! I need to change my list, Thank you 😊
Hi @lcdelgado
For easy explanation, i have developed a sample flow along with a list (which can be considered as AED list)
It has two products with their respective expiration date.
Now the flow is designed like this
Let's go through each step one by one,
1. Use get items to get all items from AED list [ remember, by default, get item can pull upto 100 items by default, but you can change via trigger settings :)]
2. Next loop through each item, inside the loop, follow below steps
2a. Use condition with condition like below
So by single flow you can send expiration emails for different products 🙂
Hope this helps 🙂
Mark it as solution if it resolves your query
You couldn't have explained it better 👍
So just to confirm,
You have AED list in sharepoint having different items in that where each item represent each component,
each component has an expiration date and you need to send an email when the expiration date is 30 days from today's date
Let me know if i am right or wrong 🙂
well I'm not sure if I have to do separate or can be together in just one flow.
So for every part, you need to send a seperate expiration reminder mail ?
sure, I have a AED list inspection, we should use this list to do an inspection of all the AED equipment we have, that's why I have more than one expiration dates because the AED have multiple pieces to inspect like pads and battery.