I get a "An unknown function with name 'utcnow' was found" when using utcNow() in a simple filter in a SQL get row action.
I have search around and see that utcNow() is the commant to use to get the current time date stamp, by why do it not work in my flow? any hints or alternatives are apriciated.
Here my example:
I got it to work since. I'm not sure why it didn't before 🙂
Thanks for you feedback v-yamao-msvft.
Yes your test works fine but the task is that I would like to get the current date or timedate in the selection and that should be the command utcNow() but that seem not to work. At least not for me.
Any hints / help are appreciated.
Br Jens
Hi @JBille,
I made a simple test on my side and the flow was configured likes below:
It works fine and the proper values are returned from the flow run.
Please try again with in on your side.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao