Hi Team,
I have developed a power automate for moving files from incoming email to SharePoint folder. Now it executes for me. For other users its not working. Say like i have 10 users , how to make this flow run for targeted 5 users ?
Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I don't see any way other than what I have described to solve your issue.
A different way to approach this is to have a shared mailbox created. Instruct your users to forward emails that meet your requirements to the shared mailbox. Create a Flow on the shared mailbox that copies the files to SharePoint.
Thank you for the solution.
If i need to target for 1000 users, is there any other way as importing by every users seems difficult i guess.
Since the Flow needs to run on each users In Box, each user will need a copy of the Flow. The easiest way is to go to the Flow properties page and click on "Send a Copy" at the top of the screen:
Each user that you specify will receive a copy of the Flow along with instructions on how to import the Flow. Upon import, they will need to supply their own credentials - they Flow will run as that user.
Alternatively, each user could grant you access to their email - you would need a separate action to access each users In Box in your Flow - this obviously isn't practical.