Hi Everyone,
I am trying to http post method to call http call to filter with start date and end date with conference room event details using graph api and its not working with below query. I want to export room conference events details which was happened in particular timeline or in one month/year.
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users('abc@gmail.com')/events?filter=start/datetime ge 'start Date' and end/datetime le 'enddate'
can someone provide me an answer what am I doing wrong in that ? Date is coming when i am using below query but its not having filtered output based on date value.
Ok. what is the result you are getting when using graph explorer. Are you getting the results based on the filter you have mentioned?
@vayinapurapu1 I created a string parameter to pass in graph api url but its not working.
@vayinapurapu1 Thanks for your reply. i am trying to get events using graph api for a conference room email using the token for a client id and client secret. whenever I am running the power automate , its not filtering the value based on start date and end date mentioned in graph api query and returning all the events
also did you try putting the query in a string? as explained in below article?
may i know what is the issue you are getting? Rather than using send http action, did you try using graph explorer and see if you are getting results? If so can you please try below approach and let me know if this works for you?
Using Graph API In Power Automate (c-sharpcorner.com)