I am using the same SFTP - SSH connection in several flows. It seems when I edit these flows the SFTP connection goes invalid after working on the first one or two and prevents me from saving. Sometimes if I go and edit the connection it will work again, but I usually have to wait at least 10 minutes before going back and editing, and then after a while the SFTP connection will become invalid again. So I have to keep editing in small increments, which is annoying to say the least. I am just editing and saving when this happens, not running the flows. The flows run fine on a schedule. My question is, is the SFTP connection connecting to the SFTP site every time I edit a flow that contains it, even if I am not editing the SFTP step? If so, then this problem could be due to the SFTP site rejecting multiple connections in a certain time frame.
Were you ever able to resolve this? I am having same issue.
same here
having the same issue