Hi Guys,
I have created a parent and a child approval flow within a solution. I need to copy them both to use as a template for another flow. I need to replicate them 7 times in total. I can see that Microsoft don't make this easy for you.
This is my parent flow and child flow
Parent Flow
Child Flow
When I 'Save As' it saves the flow into My Flows, then when I try and insert an existing cloud flow from outside a solution it is not available to select.
Creating all of these flows from scratch is out of the question for me.
Is it possible to do what I am attempting? 🙏
Thank you, but it doesn't appear to be working
When I select new connection reference my Get Item action looks like the above image, when I hover over the exclamation mark the error message reads Error loading component
It now won't allow me to select the Get Item action, I can't delete it, I can't save my flow 😟
hey @JimJim
just click the context menu of all your actions and add a new connection:
With regards,
Hello @JimJim
you need to refresh the connections of your actions when you create a completely new flow.
Even if it shows a connection, just create another one and then saving should work
With regards
Hi again @Mira_Ghaly ,
I copied all of my flow components into a new flow, I am now getting a strange error message
Request to XRM API failed with error: 'Message: Flow client error returned with status code "BadRequest" and details "{"error":{"code":"FlowMissingConnection","message":"The flow is missing a connection for api '<null>'. Reauthenticate the connection or remove from the flow and re-save."}}". Code: 0x80060467 InnerError: '.
I get the above error message when I try to save
Interesting, I read somewhere that copying and pasting flow components only worked within the same flow but I never tested it. I will test this and let you know how it goes
Unfortunately Currently the only way is to replicate manually because parent and child flows need to be created from within a solution... But when you can do is while creating the new flows you can copy one step from one flow to the new one.
Paste Step: Click New Step and then Choose Copy from Clipboard