Dear all,
I have a Flow which is triggered whenever a record of a specific entity is updated.
Untill yesterday the flow was working like a charm, however it isn't anymore and I have know clue on what could be the reason.
I've made a new Flow to test this trigger with a different entity and it doesn't work either. However when I use the trigger start flow "When a new record is created" - this does work. Also my flows that are scheduled, are succesfully running.
Also tried to copy the Flow to Logic Apps in Microsoft Azure, there it still doesn't work, the only additional information I can retrieve on the triggerhistory is that the status is "skipped"(?!).
I hope that there's someone who can help me or give me some more details...
Thanks in advance,
No there isn't.
I've raised the issue at Microsoft support and got help with fixing this issue.
Apparently the connection between the Flow and Dynamics for some reason was failing (no clue why it worked before and now it didn't anymore), luckily were able to re-establish the connection, so it's working again.
Unfortunately no clear root cause..
Thanks for replying, I'll make sure to close this topic.
Is there any error message in the flow run history?