We are testing out a downloading files from S3 buckets using Power Automate cloud flows.
Using the "Get S3 object content" action, our manually triggered flow works as expected if the key of the object (the path and filename) has a file extension, like .txt: DEV/folder/file_name_000.txt
If the file that we are trying to download does not have an extension: DEV/folder/file_name_000
we get a NotFound error with body:
This error seems to be related to S3 permissions or something else, as we have now generated some passing test cases where the object has no file extension. Thanks for your help.
@anupam8555 you're right that we aren't passing an extension in the failing case. Note though, that the file that we need to pull *has no extension* on the S3 side, the file is named "file_name_000"
@Sohrab - looks you are passing file name without extension , you must pass full name with extension . system will not pick anonymously with only file name.