I have word documents in my SharePoint library, there are different owners for each document and i want owners to review those documents every 90days (Quarterly)and take necessary action or clean up. To do this, I want a power automate flow where it sends an email on the dates mentioned in Reminder column. Please help how to do that?
Hello @v-liwei-msft,
Yes, timezone was the issue and i had created a string variable for "Reminder" and applied a condition Reminder equals to
Hi @HarikaVL
This problem is caused by a time zone issue.
The SharePoint date column time zone is the time zone of the region in the site settings, and flow converts it to the Utc time zone.
I recommend you to use the convertFromUtc function to change the timezone:
convertFromUtc(items('Apply_to_each')?['reminder'], '<destinationTimeZone>', 'yyyy-MM-dd') and
convertFromUtc(utcNow(), '<destinationTimeZone>', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
Reference guide for expression functions - Azure Logic Apps | Microsoft Learn
Best Regards,
Hello @v-liwei-msft,
I have implemented flow as you mentioned above, i am not getting any error while testing but i am not receiving the notification as well.
According to below screenshot, flow should send a notification for today date.
but the condition is not satisfying and showing false
I used same conditions as mentioned
Hello @v-liwei-msft,
Thank you so much for the quick response. I will implement the solution you suggested. Will update you after testing the flow. You are genius 🙂
Hi @HarikaVL
1. You can create a Recurrence flow.
2. use get files get files in the library.
3. Use conditions to judge Reminder if it is equal to today's date, if it is equal, send mail to the owner of the corresponding document.
Best Regards,