Hi everyone
This is a bit of a strange one....
I have created some Cloud flows over the past few months that are working completely fine, and I can see them in Power Automate Online. However, I occasionally receive an email with the subject of "Test Worked!!" which, I remember, was part of a Cloud Flow that I was testing some months ago.
I now wish to delete this Flow, or at least turn it off. However, when I go into Power Automate Online or Power Automate Desktop the flow is not there. I've even tried looking at our normal Workflows in Dynamics 365 but it's not there either.
Is there anywhere else that I can look to find the flow?
Many thanks
Hi @Zacharie_Cortes
Thank you. I've just checked there and found it. I must have created it using someone else's account and then shared it with my account (I've no idea why, but it seems that's what I did!).
Many thanks for your help.
Hi @jonclaylondon ,
Did you looked into the shared flow tab ? When you share a flow with someone it's not visible anymore in the main view, it could be that ... or not ...