Hello everyone,
Below are screens from my flow and now I need to add another condition, that if total cost is higher or equal to 50000 the flow should go to 4th approver, however if is less than 50000 should stop on 3rd approver.
I tried several things, I added new condition but then I am exceeding max nest. I add new row for condition 2nd but then if 3rd approver approves and total amount is less then 50000 it goes to false.
So I honestly dont know how to add this condition. Somebody help please!
Thanks! I actually solved it with Switch option.
I would take a different approach:
It will look like this:
For the HTTP request action, you will want to pass the ID from one flow to the next starting with the one that is triggered when the item is created. You would use this in the body of the HTTP request to send it along:
"ID": @{outputs('Get_item_Purchase_Request')?['body/ID']}
Then in the workflow that is called, you will use the following for the JSON schema to accept the ID value:
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"ID": {
"type": "integer"
You will then use a Get item action with the value from this ID to get the corresponding item to process it through the next step.
One big advantage with this method is that each workflow will have its own 30-day window to complete. With four approvals, you'll have 120 days for the process to complete. Putting everything in one flow will limit you to just 30 days.